Buffalo Treaty celebrates 10 year anniversary

A treaty between 71 First Nations in Canada and the U.S. is working to return buffalo to Indigenous communities.
Indigenous communities who sign onto the treaty must ensure a safe space for the buffalo to live and co-habitat on the land.
Signatories must also promote buffalo's place in culture, conservation, health, education and research.
Peepeekisis Cree Nation, near Balcarres Sask., is one of the nations who have signed the treaty. Back in 2014, it released a herd of 22 buffalo on band-owned lands.
Since then, the community has shared that same growing herd with Zagime Anishinabek, a Saulteaux First Nation.
Headman Alan Bird, from Peepeekisis, was there when the buffalo came back in 2014 and he's been closely involved with the animals ever since.
Bird said the community expanded their pasture and watering areas over the last 10 years, and volunteers are coming to help out.
"It's a good relationship. It's always a good feeling and it's a good healthy way to carry out a day," said Bird.