Man spent 13 years in a coma after suffering a sore throat: ''Felt like a ghost''

It all started when Mr Pistorius, who is now 47, came home from school one day suffering from a sore throat. He was only 12 at that time, and it was assumed he had the flu.

A man from South Africa, who survived more than a decade in a coma, has shared details of his remarkable recovery. Martin Pistorius from Johannesburg, shared the terrifying reality of living trapped in his own body "like a ghost", while still being able to hear, see and comprehend everything around him.

It all started when Mr Pistorius, who is now 47, came home from school one day suffering from a sore throat. He was only 12 at that time, and it was assumed he had the flu.

However, his condition became increasingly worse as he lost the ability to walk, and eat on his own and also, the ability to communicate. He tested positive for cryptococcal meningitis and tuberculosis of the brain. Eventually, he crashed into a coma. His mother said Martin's last words as a child were spoken in the hospital: "When home?"

Doctors told his parents that there was nothing that could be done, but they decided to keep him alive in a care centre. Four years later, he had a small breakthrough as he regained consciousness but he was unable to talk or move.