Airbnb will no longer let people use security cameras in their properties
Airbnb has announced a policy change prohibiting the installation of security cameras inside properties listed on its platform.

Airbnb has announced a policy change prohibiting the installation of security cameras inside properties listed on its platform. The app, which allows people to rent properties for longer duration, specifically targets the indoor security cameras.
This update ensures that guests will no longer find such surveillance equipment within Airbnb accommodations, in line with the platform's updated guidelines. Talking about the new guidelines, Juniper Downs, Airbnb’s Head of Community Policy and Partnerships, “Our goal was to create new, clear rules that provide our community with greater clarity about what to expect on Airbnb. These changes were made in consultation with our guests, Hosts and privacy experts, and we’ll continue to seek feedback to help ensure our policies work for our global community.”
Notably, Airbnb permitted hosts to have indoor security cameras in shared spaces like hallways and living rooms, as long as they were openly mentioned on the listing page, easily visible, and not placed in private areas like bedrooms or bathrooms. However, Airbnb has now changed this policy. Regardless of where they're placed or how they're disclosed, indoor security cameras are no longer allowed inside Airbnb listings.
With the majority of listings not currently featuring security cameras, the impact of this change is expected to be limited to a smaller subset of properties. Under the revised policy, indoor security cameras will be completely banned from Airbnb listings. Additionally, there will be stricter regulations concerning the use of outdoor security cameras and other monitoring devices, such as noise decibel monitors.
While doorbell cameras and noise decibel monitors remain permissible, hosts must now disclose their presence and general location before guests make bookings, Airbnb blog mentions. However, outdoor cameras are prohibited from monitoring indoor spaces and are not allowed in certain areas with a higher expectation of privacy, such as enclosed outdoor showers or saunas.
Furthermore, hosts are obligated to disclose if they install noise decibel monitors, which only measure sound levels and do not record or transmit audio. These monitors are restricted to common areas within listings.
To allow hosts time to adjust to these changes, the revised policy will come into effect on April 30. Following this date, reported violations of the policy will be investigated, and strict actions may include the removal of listings or accounts.
The changes aim to ensure that the Airbnb community maintains positive experiences while upholding privacy standards.