Fresh Western munitions satiate Ukrainian forces 'shell hunger'

Demand for 155mm artillery rounds has soared since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022

Ukrainian troops trying to hold their ground on the eastern front in Donetsk region may still be outnumbered by Russian forces, but the "shell hunger" that plagued them for months as ammunition started to run out is now behind them.

One unit in Donetsk region, the focus of Russian troops' slow advance along the 1,000km front, fired its M-109 self-propelled howitzer as needed - there were no further fears of running short of Western-supplied 155mm shells.

"There was 'shell hunger'. Ammunition was rationed quite severely. It had an impact on infantry, they (Russians) crept from all sides, it hurt the infantry men," unit commander Vasyl, 46, told a Reuters TV reporter.

"Now, there is no more 'shell hunger' and we work well."

Demand for 155mm artillery rounds has soared since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, with Kyiv's Western allies running down their own stockpiles as they rushed shells to Ukraine where thousands of rounds were needed every day.

Now a fresh influx of ammunition has begun arriving at units like Vasyl's after the US Congress ended months of delays and approved a US$61 billion aid package.