5 reasons to donate blood
Donating blood is a double bonanza--it helps the one donating blood, as well as the one receiving it.

Donating blood is a double bonanza--it helps the one donating blood, as well as the one receiving it.
Boosts heart health:
Donating blood helps in boosting cardiovascular health. It reduces the viscosity of blood, which further helps in alleviating the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Blood donation helps in keeping a healthier flow of blood, which reduces the strain on the heart.
Reduces iron stores:
Excessive iron in the blood can lead to hemochromatosis – a condition that can cause damage to organs such as heart and liver. When we donate blood regularly, the excess iron is depleted, which contributes to overall health.
Production of new blood cells:
After donating blood, the body works in replenishing for the blood loss. This helps in the production of new blood cells and further helps in boosting the body's capacity to produce new cells and perform tasks effectively.
Free health screening:
Before blood donation, it is mandatory to go through a basic health checkup, including pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, and hemoglobin levels. This can help us to become more aware of our body, and address any health issue, if its present.
Improves psychological well-being
Knowing that the blood we have donated can save a life, or help a person in a critical situation gives us a psychological boost, and makes us feel better.