Aggressive behaviour in children
Acquainting Them With Meditation: Religious resort to meditation has proven to be instrumental in restating mental peace, promoting self-calm, liberating the mind from stress, and overall improving mental health and wellbeing.

Aggression in children can be attributed to several reasons where sometimes staying away from home for longer durations triggers anguish and anxiety in them, while at other times different factors such as academic stress, personal troubles, unhealthy family environment and so on and so forth may cause their mental calmness to deteriorate.
Despite all these factors, there are certain convenient ways through which elders can teach their children to maintain self-calm and mental composure.
Establishing Friendship With Them: It is essential for teachers as well as parents to establish a bond of friendship with children. This eliminates hesitation from a child’s mind, brings them nearer to their elders, makes them more comfortable in sharing their troubles, and simultaneously fosters a positively frank relationship between them.
Teaching Them The Way To Act Rightly: Teachers and parents must educate children about how they should perceive an action, and what should be their proper response to it. They must also educate them that petty issues of day to day life need not always be dealt with aggression, or a radical mindset.
Keeping Them Motivated And Encouraged: Sometimes children develop an attitude of anger and disgust for their elders when they don’t receive their due share of encouragement for their little accomplishments. Parents and teachers, therefore, must always encourage children for their little endeavours so that they may continue to reach for the stars.
Acquainting Them With Meditation: Religious resort to meditation has proven to be instrumental in restating mental peace, promoting self-calm, liberating the mind from stress, and overall improving mental health and wellbeing. Hence, children too should be introduced to these meditative practices for the numerous benefits which they offer.
By employing these methods in everyday life, aggression in children can effectively be controlled however, teachers and parents must come forward to help them in doing so.