Federal government rejects request to use Moncton land for housing

The federal government won't turn over military land at the edge of downtown Moncton the city and province had sought for housing.

The federal government won't turn over military land at the edge of downtown Moncton the city and province had sought for housing.

Last year, Mayor Dawn Arnold and Jill Green, the province's minister responsible for housing, made the request for the 6.8-hectare Moncton Garrison site along Vaughan Harvey Boulevard.

Their September letter described the site as "unused" and asked for it to "be made available for deeply affordable, sustainable, accessible, and socially inclusive housing."

In a response last month, Defence Minister Bill Blair rejected the request saying the site remains in use by the Canadian Armed Forces.

"Currently, the Moncton Garrison houses approximately 520 people with the potential to grow to 900 people," Blair wrote, saying the figure includes military members and civil servants.

Blair's Jan. 7 response says the property is used seven days a week, including evenings.

"Therefore, please note that the Department is not considering divestment of the property at this time," Blair said in the letter released to CBC by the city this week.