What are the complications of vitamin D deficiency?
Most people with vitamin D deficiency have no symptoms but complications may develop in the absence of symptoms

Health complications which are associated with vitamin D deficiency include.
Most people with vitamin D deficiency have no symptoms but complications may develop in the absence of symptoms
Osteomalacia due to softening of the bone and Osteoporosis due to increase fragility of the bone. Rickets due to softening of the bone in children. Seasonal Affective Disorder and Depression are not rare complications. Increased chances of infections can occur due to Vitamin D deficiency. People may have significant pain, weakness, difficulty to walk and are predisposed to fractures.
There is some suggestion that rates of cancer, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders and death may be higher in the setting of vitamin D deficiency. However, a causal link with vitamin D deficiency has not been proven.
The clinical picture of vitamin D deficiency is generally asymptomatic, with noticeable symptoms in long-lasting or more severe conditions, which evolve into rickets (leg and rib arch deformities), in children, and osteomalacia (bone pain, weakness, difficulty walking), in adults.
Severe vitamin D deficiency often leads to other diseases such as low blood calcium, low blood phosphate, depression.