Calgary gets federal Housing Accelerator Fund approval

The Housing Accelerator Fund is a $4-billion program first announced in the spring 2022 federal budget

Cash is coming to build more affordable housing in Calgary.

A letter from federal Housing Minister Sean Fraser confirms the city was successful in its application to the federal housing accelerator fund.

It comes as Calgary approved the affordable housing strategy last week after council heard the voices of over 150 people over the span of three days. The amended strategy is meant to increase market and non-market supply in Calgary, making it easier to create affordable housing projects, all by cutting back on residential zoning restrictions.

“Now the federal government has said, ‘We liked that strategy. We’ll help you fund it.’ And so all in all, it’s been a good week,” said Elizabeth McLennan, acting chair of the Calgary Alliance for Common Good.

The Housing Accelerator Fund is a $4-billion program first announced in the spring 2022 federal budget, but applications weren’t accepted until July 2023. London, Ont, was the first city in the country to sign a deal under the fund.