Canada school cancels permission for ‘Khalistan Referendum’ citing AK-47 posters

The organisers of the so-called Khalistan Referendum received a jolt on Sunday as Canadian authorities withdrew their permission to hold voting at a public school after concerns were raised over their promotional materials that featured the image of an AK-47 machine gun.

The organisers of the so-called Khalistan Referendum received a jolt on Sunday as Canadian authorities withdrew their permission to hold voting at a public school after concerns were raised over their promotional materials that featured the image of an AK-47 machine gun.

The referendum was scheduled for September 10 at the Tamanawis Secondary School in the town of Surrey in British Columbia.

However, on Sunday, a spokesperson for the Surrey District School Board said, in a release, that they had cancelled a community rental of one of their schools due to a violation of their rental agreement.

The poster for the referendum had featured both an AK-47 machine gun as well as a kirpan, alongside the image of the school.