Calgary issues water reduction advisory
The announcement from the city came just hours after the province announced its plan to deal with water supply during what is expected to be a very dry summer.

Calgary is under a water reduction advisory, effective immediately.
The announcement from the city came just hours after the province announced its plan to deal with water supply during what is expected to be a very dry summer.
Calgarians are being asked to reduce their water use and “make every drop count.”
“Calgarians can start now with reducing outdoor water use, as a lot of us begin our yard work this spring,” Nicole Newton, manager of Natural Environment and Adaptation said Friday.
“Residents can start limiting outdoor watering to early morning and later in the evening and keeping it to a maximum four hours a week. It’s a good, responsible approach to yard and gardening efforts in Calgary’s dry climate and prepares Calgarians for drier conditions when restrictions are in place later this season.”
Other actions recommended by the city include avoiding watering during or after it has rained, choosing drought-tolerant plants, limiting shower time, only running full loads of clothes and dishes, fixing leaky faucets, and turning off the tap while shaving or brushing your teeth.
Newton says Calgary has been in a drought since water restrictions were lifted last fall.
“At The City of Calgary, we’ve continued to reduce our water use and look for more ways to conserve in our day-to-day operations,” she said. “This spring, we’re strongly advising Calgarians join us in the effort. It’s the perfect time of year for us to ramp up awareness and for citizens to start taking action.”
According to the city, actions taken by residents to preserve water when prompted by the city in the past made a significant difference.