Ukraine to protect Kyiv with Israeli alert system by summer

An Israeli-designed missile detection system that would give Ukrainians more time to take shelter from Russian missile attacks is being tested in Kyiv and may be activated within two months.

An Israeli-designed missile detection system that would give Ukrainians more time to take shelter from Russian missile attacks is being tested in Kyiv and may be activated within two months, Ukraine's ambassador to Israel said on Thursday (May 4).

Israel, which has been honing its own air defences since coming under Iraqi Scud salvoes in the 1991 Gulf War, agreed to share technologies with Ukraine last year even though it held off on meeting Kyiv's requests for weaponry.

One of those requests had been for the Iron Dome, a short-range interceptor that Israel regularly uses to shoot down rockets fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza.

Mindful of their government's efforts to maintain good relations with Moscow, Israeli officials have not provided details on the detection system being developed for the Ukrainians.