Toronto lawyer who stole client money for vacations, handbags and shoes is jailed for contempt
He also ordered that two days after Bui gets out next month

A disgraced real-estate lawyer who this week admitted to pilfering millions in client money to support her and her family's lavish lifestyle was handcuffed in a Toronto courtroom Friday afternoon and marched out by a constable to serve a 20-day sentence for contempt of court, as her husband and mother watched.
Singa Bui "consistently ignored orders of the court and complied only when faced with a warrant for her arrest or a threat of incarceration," Ontario Superior Court Justice William Chalmers said in sending her off to jail.
He also ordered that two days after Bui gets out next month, her husband and former law partner, Nicholas Cartel, must go back in to serve 10 days remaining on his own contempt sentence, after a bizarre twist in which he was wrongly released early.