Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day held in Ottawa

Canadian Tamil organizations jointly urge the international community to work towards a broader recognition of the Tamil Genocide and play an active role in bringing the Sri Lankan government and its officials to the International Court to dispense justice to the Eelam Tamil community.

Canadian Tamil organizations jointly urge the international community to work towards a broader recognition of the Tamil Genocide and play an active role in bringing the Sri Lankan government and its officials to the International Court to dispense justice to the Eelam Tamil community.

"We urge the international community to follow the right actions by Canada to work towards a broader recognition of the Tamil Genocide and play an active role in bringing the Sri Lankan government and its officials to the Global Court to dispense justice to the Eelam Tamil community."

Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day message jointly by: Ottawa Tamil Association (OTA), the University of Ottawa Tamil Student Union (TSU), Quebec Tamil Development Association (QTDA), Federation of Global Tamil Organizations (FGTO), Tamil Genocide Memorial, Brampton Tamil Association (BTA), Canada Muththamizh Sangam (CTS), Carleton University Tamil Student Association (CUTSA), Ottawa Tamil Seniors Association (OTSA).

On May 18, Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day was held at the Walter Baker Sports Center Hall A&B with around 200 people. Members of the Parliaments, the Tamil community, representatives from Tamil Canadian organizations and University student associations collectively paid tribute to the victims of the Tamil genocide by the Sri Lankan government, showing resilience and determination to get justice.

The commemoration was organized jointly by the Ottawa Tamil Association (OTA), National Capital Region Tamil Association (NCRTA), Ottawa Tamil Seniors Association (OTSA), Canada Muththamizh Sangam (CTS), Ottawa Tamil Academy of Culture & Technology (OTACT), Carleton University Tamil Student Association (CUTSA), the University of Ottawa Tamil Student Union (TSU), and Tamil Genocide Memorial (TGM).

The event was held to commemorate the Tamil genocide that had taken place against the Tamils in Sri Lanka. This year, there were three main aspects of this event. The first was the recognition of the first Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day by the Prime Minister of Canada.

The second is equal recognition from the opposing party leader of Canada, and overwhelming support from all parliamentarians since last year’s parliament unanimous motion, the Tamil people will constantly have the support of the Canadian government and parliament.

The third is that the entire Ottawa Tamil community comes together from all ages and all organizations to persistently fight for justice.

The event began with the Indigenous Land acknowledgement, followed by the Canadian National Anthem and Thamizh Thai Valththu. A Multi-faith Prayer was held by the Canadian Muththamizh Sangam.

On May 18 last year, the Canadian Parliament adopted the following unanimous consent motion “This House acknowledge[s] the Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka and recognize[s] May 18th of each year as Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day.”

On January 10, 2023, Canada imposed sanctions on former Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Mahinda Rajapaksa was President, and his brother Gotabaya Rajapaksa was the defence minister, during the final onslaught of Sri Lanka’s war on Tamils in 2009.