
The union says workers have been without a contract for more than a year, even as the cost of living continues to rise. It claims the federal government continues to have "major concessions on the table," adding the CRA has yet to "respond to the union's wage proposals." In addition to wages, the union says working hours and job security are among the top concerns that have yet to be addressed. "With the strike vote, that means our members at the Canada Revenue Agency are now in a legal strike position as of Friday (April 14)," said Chris Aylward, the national president of the PSAC. He says more than half of unionized members who work at the CRA took part in the vote. Aylward notes treasury board members — about 120,000 people — will also be taking part in a strike vote, with results expected Wednesday, April 12. "So next week, we'll have 155,000 members, federal public sector members, in a legal strike position. So when we go back to the bargaining table (on April 17), things are going to have to happen relatively quickly in order to avoid a strike," Aylward added. Impacts with income tax return deadline nearing This year, the deadline to file your income tax return is April 30. Since that is a Sunday, the CRA says your return will be considered to have been filed on time if it's received by the agency or postmarked before or on May 1.