Can two spoons of rum at night cure your winter cough?

It is believed that drinking rum or brandy can soothe a sore throat and clear cold-induced congestion. Regardless of what age-old remedies suggest, doctors do not recommend consuming any kind of alcohol as a treatment at all.
Drinking rum with hot water, doctors say, only provides symptomatic relief. The consumption risks outweigh any benefits.
It gives you a little warmth which provides symptomatic relief. It is not used for treating any viral infections like a cold and cough. Using rum on a regular basis can lower the immunity.
Alcohol, including rum, puts a considerable strain on the liver, which is tasked with processing it. Even minimal consumption can lead to inflammation, particularly in those who already have liver issues like fatty liver disease. Consistent use, even in what seems to be harmless amounts for 'therapeutic purposes,' can result in liver damage over time.