Nazi Swastika flags seen at boat parade organised by Trump supporters

The organiser of the boat parade, Carlos Gavidia, claimed that the individuals on the boat were not a part of the boat parade that was carried out for Donald Trump.

A boat with Nazi Swastika flags tried to join a boat parade organised for Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Several videos surfaced online, showing masked individuals shouting 'White Power', 'Heil Trump', and 'Make America White Again!'

The videos showed five individuals, including two bearded males with sunglasses, and three additional individuals with face coverings trying to join the parade.

The individuals had Nazi Swastika flags tied to the boat, along with flags supporting Donald Trump and carrying the message 'Make America Great Again'. The individuals also reportedly used racial slurs while chanting slogans in support of Donald Trump.

The organiser of the boat parade, Carlos Gavidia, claimed that the individuals on the boat were not a part of the boat parade that was carried out for Donald Trump. He shared a video on Facebook showing a large boat belonging to a Trump supporter dousing the neo-Nazis with water churned up by the boat’s propellers.

"These patriots took care of the infiltrators that came in, pretending to be with us wearing masks and having terrible flags supporting the Nazis!" Gavidia said while sharing the video.