Elon Musk confirms Xmail is coming

Elon Musk, the CEO of X (formerly Twitter), has confirmed the imminent launch of Xmail, sparking speculation about its potential to rival Google's Gmail service.

Elon Musk, the CEO of X (formerly Twitter), has confirmed the imminent launch of Xmail, sparking speculation about its potential to rival Google's Gmail service. Musk's announcement came swiftly after rumors of Gmail's impending shutdown spread like wildfire on the internet.

The confirmation surfaced following a tweet from Nathan McGrady, a senior member of X’s Security Engineering team, who inquired about the launch date of Xmail. Musk promptly responded, confirming that the service is on the horizon, setting the stage for what could be a significant shift in the email service landscape.

The tech community erupted with anticipation as concerns mounted over the fate of Gmail, fueled by a viral post on X that purported to announce the shutdown of Google's email service. The post, accompanied by a screenshot of an alleged email from Google titled 'Google is sunsetting Gmail,' triggered widespread panic and speculation about the future of Gmail.

The purported email claimed that Gmail would cease all operations as of August 1, 2024, discontinuing support for sending, receiving, or storing emails. While the post garnered immense attention, skepticism arose regarding its authenticity, with many questioning its credibility as a legitimate announcement from Google was not out.

Google swiftly addressed the speculations, taking to the X platform to reassure users that Gmail is not facing extinction and is "here to stay." The company clarified the recent modifications to Gmail's default view, transitioning from 'basic HTML' to a more vibrant interface in January 2024.

Despite Google's confirmation, the rumors surrounding Gmail's fate accelerated discussions about email service alternatives, with some expressing interest in trying Xmail as a viable option. One of the users on the social media also expressed his distrust towards Gmail and a readiness to explore alternatives in light of the speculation.